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Causes of Hard Clutch Pedals and Overcome – Car Tips Today

Causes of Hard Clutch Pedals and Overcome

Causes of Hard Clutch Pedals and Overcome, almost all motorized vehicles have a clutch as a component that regulates and distributes the power generated by the engine to the transmission which will be continued to the wheels so that the car can run.

in manual transmission cars often experience a condition where the car’s clutch pedal suddenly feels heavy over time so that it makes us have to spend extra energy to operate it. Plus, if the car is often stuck in traffic like what happens in big cities like Jakarta and so on, it will certainly make us irritated and complain because our ankles and knees often feel sore.

The causes of a hard clutch pedal being stepped on in a manual transmission car can vary, but what is certain is usually the user’s lack of attention in caring for the car or due to the behavior of the driver himself who seems wrong or reckless in using the vehicle.

See Also: 5 Signs of a Car Clutch Must Be Replaced, Early Care of the Vehicle

The things that can make the clutch pedal feel heavy include the following to resolved Hard Clutch Pedals:

Clutch cable stuck
A jammed clutch cable on a non-hydraulic manual transmission can be the main reason why the clutch pedal feels heavy when stepped on. Moreover, if the car is rarely used, it makes the situation worse. To overcome this, you can try inserting a lubricant such as WD40 into the clutch cable channel while playing, step on and off the pedal until the pedal feels lighter.

Clutch master down stuck
In manual vehicles with a clutch system that already uses hydraulics, the master pen under the pliers that is in charge of pressing the lever handles is jammed so that extra power is needed to operate it. To check and ensure this, it is necessary to replace the stuck components compared to repairing because the service life of the repair results usually does not last long.

Clutch lining is worn
Although it sounds strange, worn clutch pads can also make the clutch pedal feel heavy when stepped on. To check whether the clutch lining is worn or still in good condition, there is no need to disassemble it, just do the following trick. Start the car as usual, put it in first gear then release the clutch pedal WITHOUT lowering the handbrake. If the car feels like jumping and the engine immediately dies, it means the canvas is still good. However, if the car engine is still running normally, this indicates that the clutch lining is starting to wear out and needs to be replaced.

Clutch cover / sun is old
The clutch spring that is on the old clutch cover is usually no longer flexible and tends to harden, now the solar component or in technical language, this clutch cover if rarely replaced will cause the clutch pedal to be hard when stepped on. It is better to replace the package to avoid this kind of complaint, or if you want to save money, replace the clutch cover after changing the clutch pad twice.

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