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6 Tips for Cost Effective Car Speaker Replacement

Car Speaker Replacement, Currently, car speaker replacement tips are still the main hobby of car lovers. This is because the speaker is one of the multimedia devices in the car that plays an important role.

The presence of speakers that act as loudspeakers can really give a different feel for the driver and passengers. Unfortunately, manufacturers sometimes provide standard speakers and are less than satisfactory.

6 Tips for Cost Effective Car Speaker Replacement

Therefore, not a few car owners are interested in making modifications to the audio device, including speakers. Relax, you can apply the tips below to replace speakers with a thin budget:

Know the Speaker Type

There are two main categories that distinguish the types of car speakers, namely the full range and component types. At full range, all speaker elements are in one basket that you can change according to the size of the car.

In contrast to the type of component that applies a non-superior speaker design to provide the best and clearest sound. You can mix and match each component as you like, because they complement each other.

See Also: 2 Way vs 3 Way Speaker, Which Is Better Between the Two

Take Speaker Measurement

Before buying a new speaker, you need to take measurements and know their configuration. If you are new to this, you can come to a car accessory shop for help.

Armed with these two things, you can order speakers that match the layout in the car. The advantage is that you don’t have to change the speaker mount anymore, making it more cost-effective.

Learn Speaker Material

Investigate a calibaration, it turns out that the materials used to make car speakers also vary. Some are made of poly, metal, wood, or kevlar materials. Each material, of course, has its own characteristics and advantages.

Before buying, it would be better if you look for more information first. This is because the speaker’s material will affect the selling price and installation on the car.

In addition, the material for making the speakers will more or less affect the quality of the sound it produces. The better the material of manufacture, of course the sound produced will also be of higher quality.

Studying Speaker Sensitivity

Slightly different from the three things above, the sensitivity of the speakers will affect the required resources. Remember, choose a product that really suits the condition of the car.

Do not choose a speaker whose sensitivity level exceeds the power of the car, because it can be fatal to the electrical system and battery. Do not be fooled by the offer of quality sound, but not according to the specifications of the car.

2 Way Speaker Functions and Characters

Prepare Components and Equipment

After getting the speakers you want, you can start preparing the equipment, such as drills, screwdrivers, orderrs, pliers, and others. Do not let anything is missing, so that the installation process is not hampered.

Perform Speaker Replacement

When everything is ready, you can start removing the old speakers one by one. Caution, on the speaker frame connector there are two terminals, namely negative and positive. Make sure you keep it in mind, so that when the connection process is not reversed.

Insert the new speaker in the available slot, continue with the configuration. Done, now the new speaker is installed on your favorite car. Please turn on the music to check the installation success.

This installation method applies if the replacement speaker is the same as the old type, especially in terms of size. You can apply it yourself at home to save costs.

However, if you intend to modify the audio system completely, you should leave it to an experienced team. The reason is, changing the speaker holder and electrical system should not be done arbitrarily.

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